Common Organizing Myths

Renee L Brown
Restoration Organization

Myth: Organizing is too expensive!
Reality: Getting organized is an investment, however compare it to buying another black t-shirt because you can't find the one(s) you already own. Or add up the late fees you're paying because you are without a reliable bill-paying system. Or, how much money is spent on rental storage facilities, often filled with who-knows-what?
If you are spending time everyday searching for lost items, you are wasting your time, and your time is precious and worth a great deal! A lifetime of chaos costs way more than hiring a professional organizer!

Myth: I am a born slob!
Reality: People are not born one way or another; organization is a set of skills that can be learned, much like learning a new sport. It may take some time to get the hang of it,  practice the skill and polish it, but it's definitely worth it.

Myth: It will take too long to organize my whole house!
Reality: Oh heavens, please don't think it has to be done in one stretch! Pick out the areas that you are struggling with the most and start there. Maybe it's your bedroom closet, and you're tired of being unable to find the things you want to wear. Block off a couple hours, set a timer and get busy! When the timer goes off, see how you feel, If you want to keep rockin', go for it! If not, be proud of your progress and schedule another session within a few days. Soon the momentum will get going and you will be excited as you see how things are shaping up. Once that closet has been completely sorted, items have been donated/sold/given away, and a new storage system has been implemented - you are ready for the next area! Be sure to reward yourself first, however. you deserve it!

Myth: I can organize my house once and then I'm done
Reality: Whoa, Nelly! Maintenance is the name of the game here. (See maintenance article for a more in-depth explanation.) Once you set up your new system, it takes discipline to keep it working and effective. If you organized properly and gave everything a home, it's very important to continue to put each item back in its home every single time! It takes just as much energy to put a brush on the counter as it does opening the drawer and putting it in its cubby. It's all a matter of establishing a new routine and being very conscious of following through.

Myth: My friend got organized so I'm going to do what she did
Reality: Organizing is absolutely not a one-size-fits-all process. Everyone's household runs differently, in order to work best with the inhabitants habits, likes and dislikes. The same goes with organizing. It's a flexible process and a professional organizer can help you determine the best way to set-up a system for your home.